Sunday, September 30, 2012

Getting to know my students

This post is a little late coming since most of us are well into our school year. However, I thought I would share so you can store the idea away for next year. After I did a guidance lesson for every classroom introducing my role as the school counselor, I wanted to give my students a way to introduce themselves to me. I also use this lesson as a way for students to think about what makes them special and to help build their self esteem.

First, I read the book I Like Myself by Karen Beaumont, and we discussed what makes us special and how it doesn't matter what we look like on the inside. What matters is what we are like inside our hearts, that we are nice and caring to others.

Then, I had each student think about all the things that make them special and unique, and they created either an "All About Me" T-shirt or puzzle piece, depending on their grade level. Then, I displayed their work for Back to School Night. The T-shirts are hung up with clothespins and the puzzle pieces are glued to together to show how the class "fits together." Both the kids and parents enjoy seeing these around the school!

Below are pictures of my example, student examples, and my bulletin boards. I also strung some of the shirts up across the ceiling in my classroom!


  1. These ideas are T-riffic! Thanks, Allison.


    The Corner On Character

  2. I love that you were able to display them for back to school night! The theme of synergy and fitting together is great! I am always looking for ways to share what I do with students during school events. Thanks for sharing:)

